the girl behind the words.

The girl behind the words (that’s me! Michaela Joy, here)…

The girl behind the words tends to ponder, wonder, and wander. She reads, she writes, she explores and drinks (a lot of) coffee along the way. She is deeply curious about the world around her; it’s people, it’s places, it’s rhymes and rhythms. She loves the Lord and His Word. She has developed a passion for theology and Biblical studies, which she desires to see introduced to the church once again.

She delights in the simple things – a good cup of coffee, sunflowers, morning sunrises, sticky notes, nice pens, and surprise rainbows. She believes in the power of storytelling; whether that be telling her own stories, listening to other’s stories, reading stories, or sharing the stories of others.

The girl behind the words has been through her own hell, but only to arrive at the foot of the cross, where Jesus Christ met her. There she knelt in her brokenness and sin and found the forgiveness of a Savior and new life in Him.  Since that moment, she desires to share that transforming love with others. The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:1-13).

The girl behind the words is so excited that you’re here! She prays that the words shared here provoke deep thinking, encourage, inspire, and – most importantly – show you just how much God loves you.

Much love,

Michaela Joy ❤