Say Anything

for so long,

i believed that i didn’t

have anything to say,


i didn’t say anything.


as a young girl

i wandered through a maze of market stalls,

heeding a mermaid-like whim;

trading my voice

for a battered bottle of Belief entitled

Spoken Words Returned Void.

identifying with the painter of starry nights;

trading a box of tattered leather diaries,

filled to the brim

with words thought better left unsaid

for a mass-market paperback copy of

What to Say and When to Say it




i lived quietly,

downing my daily dose of Belief,

dog-earing those well-worn pages…

albert’s definition of insanity…



one day…

the bottom of the bottle appeared,

the paperback lost its way

in the labyrinth of my library


I decided to say something…



people listened…

…imagine that.