Oh, that HE would be mindful of me

As most of you know, I am currently living abroad in England and studying with Youth With A MissionI am a trainee, apart of their 9-month, intensive Biblical studies school called the School of Biblical Studies (I’ve written more about this school HERE – **If you are reading this AFTER July 21, 2018, I am NOT in England anymore. Currently studying at university 🙂 ). And we’ve sure come a long way since the last post I wrote on here. In my last post, we had only gotten through 6 books. Now, we have finished studying the entire New Testament (except for Revelation, which we will be studying last) and are 4 books into the Old Testament. We finished up Numbers last week and will be starting on the book of Deuteronomy this next week. That’s 30 books of the Bible. Wow. We’re almost half-way through and, let me tell ya, it’s been so so so GOOD. Busy, stressful, mind-blowing, hard, and tiring, but GOOD.  Continue reading “Oh, that HE would be mindful of me”